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DELTABEAM® Slim Floor Structure for open spaces – On Site

DELTABEAM®s are delivered to the site according to the agreed project schedule. What should be taken into account in terms of storing, lifting, and moving beams?


The beams are marked with identification codes in accordance with the drawings. Beams can be stored in piles, but remember to verify the bearing capacity and the level of the surface. As DELTABEAM®’s visible bottom flange is painted with anticorrosive primer, piling strips must be used under the beams to protect the surface treatment. Piling strips should be free from grease or other substances that may damage the surface treatment. For long-term storage, the beams must be covered.

Lifting and moving

DELTABEAM® can be lifted and moved using ordinary lifting equipment, such as cranes or forklifts. The weight of each DELTABEAM® is displayed on the product sticker on the beam or in the fabrication drawings. Within the EU, all beams have the CE marking sticker.

DELTABEAM® must be lifted using the lifting holes on the top plate.

The holes are placed symmetrically to the axis of the center of mass. The maximum allowed lifting angle of the chains must be notified.

In special cases, when there are no lifting holes, DELTABEAM® can be lifted with chains attached to the web holes. Sometimes a third chain is needed in order to maintain balance. For example, DELTABEAM® with wide inbuilt formwork should be lifted using the lifting holes and a third chain should be assembled to the formwork.

Installing DELTABEAM®

DELTABEAM®s are installed according to the project’s erection method statement, installation plan, and connection details.

The project’s erection method statement must be followed at all times. Every DELTABEAM® has an identification code on the top plate. The beams are installed in such a way that the identification code on the top plate of DELTABEAM® can be read in the direction marked in the element layout drawing.

The DELTABEAM®’s weight is not effective enough to stabilize the frame during installation of the slabs. Therefore, DELTABEAM®s should be connected prior to assembling the props and floor units In order to prevent the beams from moving.

Minimal or no propping is required when the connection details and supporting structure are designed to transfer loads from the DELTABEAM® to the supporting structure.

Slab installation

The DELTABEAM®’s connections and props must be securely installed, tightened, or welded before assembling the floor units. To minimize the rotation of the beam, the floor units should be assembled alternately on different sides of the beam. After the slabs are installed, the necessary formwork, edge forming, and slab reinforcement will be carried out.

Floor units should be assembled directly on the beam ledge, and a precambering should be fabricated for DELTABEAM® to ensure that DELTABEAM® is level after the floor is installed. The transverse reinforcement should always pass through DELTABEAM®’s web holes or the additional web holes.

Casting of DELTABEAM®

DELTABEAM®s are cast with structural concrete simultaneously with the slab or the joints of hollow-core slabs. DELTABEAM® must be cast completely in one run in order to secure the properties of a composite beam

Talk to our experts

Nirajuthan Selvarajah

Nirajuthan Selvarajah

Customer Engineering Manager

[email protected]

Mouhamad Falis

Mouhamad Falis

Business Development Manager

Tel. +971 56 430 3433
[email protected]