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DELTABEAM® Slim Floor Structure for open spaces – Overview

DELTABEAM® Slim Floor Structure allows you to build open spaces – even with architecturally demanding shapes. Compatible with precast and cast-in-situ slabs as well as any type of columns, DELTABEAM® makes your construction process faster and more efficient.

Peikko’s DELTABEAM® Slim Floor Structure is a flexible solution always tailored to the customer’s needs. It enables slender and light structural solutions that provide savings in terms of volume and costs. Its composite action between steel and concrete allows for creative structures with large open spaces.

DELTABEAM® has excellent fire resistance without any additional protection. Its shallow design decreases a building’s floor-to-floor height while eliminating conflicts with HVAC systems.

DELTABEAM® can be connected to concrete, steel, or composite columns by using Peikko’s innovative solutions, such as Hidden Corbels, Anchor Bolts, or Welding Plates.


  • Long spans
  • Flexible open space
  • Additional room height
  • Easy and space-saving HVAC installations
  • Lower heating and cooling costs
  • Integrated fireproofing

More square meters per cubic meter

Choosing a slim floor structure for your new project means flexible layouts and more floors for a given height of a building – you can gain one extra floor!

As there will be less cubic meters per square meters, heating and cooling costs will be lower and the building more sustainable – unless you decide to use the space saved by the slim-floor structure to get extra room height for the convenience of the users.

When building downward, the excavation depth is also minimized.


Invest in open spaces

The composite action between steel and concrete allows DELTABEAM® to easily span over 10 meters between columns. Since DELTABEAM® is often utilized to support prestressed hollow-core slabs, the spans perpendicular to the beam can even go beyond 14 meters. DELTABEAM® Slim Floor Structure and its long spans allow you to create open spaces with grids of up to 12 x 16 meters.

The long spans in both directions mean less columns are needed. A floor layout with less columns allows for floor plans to easily be changed to meet the varying needs of tenants throughout the lifecycle of the building.

Speed and ease of frame erection

Being a prefabricated structure, construction time is reduced and delays due to weather are minimized. The long spans provided by DELTABEAM® reduce the number of pieces to assemble.

Unique in 3D-design, each beam fits perfectly to the structure and the pre-designed, standardized connections. Together with BIM (Building Information Modeling), this thorough process helps identify conflicts early on in the design stage to prevent costly on-site repairs. DELTABEAM® only requires little or no propping. A small crew can erect a multi-story building faster than with any other system on the market. One week in construction time per floor can easily be saved when compared to conventional structures.

Integrated fireproofing

Integrated fireproofing offers additional time and cost savings. The reinforcement inside the beam ensures lifelong fireproofing. Proven by multiple full-scale fire tests, DELTABEAM® Slim Floor Structure is fireproofed even up to 4 hours without any additional fireproofing material required.

DELTABEAM® Slim Floor Structure always includes a full design service by Peikko with fireproofing calculations.

Architectural freedom

Sometimes your project benefits from shapes other than right angles and straight lines. Maybe you are looking for that extra wow factor needed to design landmark architecture and a more lucrative project with cantilevers and curves?

With custom shaped and in-built formwork, you will have more architectural freedom while benefiting from the efficiency of the DELTABEAM® Slim-Floor Structure.

The lack of visible beams and grids of up to 12x16 meters open up limitless possibilities when it comes to the interior and pose no restrictions for functionality of space.


Improving building efficiency can have a huge impact globally, because buildings represent approximatively 40% of the world’s energy consumption.

One of the most significant impacts of DELTABEAM® is how it contributes to making buildings more sustainable through its ability to make floors slimmer. Slim floor buildings require less cladding for the same usable interior volume which in turn reduces heating and cooling energy consumption. All the space saved between floors reduces the amount of vertical components needed such as cladding, columns, walls, elevator and stair shafts, pipes, ducts, etc. Also HVAC design and installation is straightforward.

DELTABEAM® Slim Floor Structure greatly reduce waste due to optimized prefabricated components. The beams and columns use only the exact amount of material required to support floors while hollow-core slabs minimize the need for formwork on site. Additionally, the voids in the hollow-core slabs reduce the amount of concrete needed for the floors. This reduction in concrete also reduces the weight of the slabs thus lightening the entire structure supporting the floors which can in turn lead to a reduction in the size of foundations.

DELTABEAM® connection components

As DELTABEAM® is designed to be used as a structural element with all slab and column types, we can offer you a number of connection components and methods to meet your requirements.

Connecting DELTABEAM® to concrete columns

1. A hidden PCs® Corbel is cast into the concrete column. DELTABEAM® is placed on top of the PCs® Corbel’s bracket, enabling straight mold walls and superior adjustability on site as well as high resistances.

2. Anchor Bolts are used to connect DELTABEAM® on top of concrete columns.

3. WELDA® Anchor Plates are installed on top of columns or walls and DELTABEAM® is welded onto its surface.

Connecting DELTABEAM® to steel structures

1. Corbel connection

2. Bolted connection on top of the column

3. Bolted connection on the side of the column

4. Welded connection

Additional components

Composite columns are made of a hollow steel section with rebar placed inside. The column is filled with concrete on site.

Additional steel structures such as trusses, braces, and various types of beams and columns as needed for technical rooms, etc.

Integrated formwork allows you to create custom beam shapes.

WELDA® Anchor Plates are used to add weld-to surfaces to a casting.

PETRA® Hollow-Core Slab Hangers allow you to make openings to hollow-core slabs.

Safety rail mounting sockets can be added to DELTABEAM® to save time and effort when installing safety rails.

Talk to our experts

Nirajuthan Selvarajah

Nirajuthan Selvarajah

Customer Engineering Manager

[email protected]

Mouhamad Falis

Mouhamad Falis

Business Development Manager

Tel. +971 56 430 3433
[email protected]