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Changes in Peikko Group's management: New managers for 4 Peikko units

Peikko Group has a challenging growth target for 2013. To realize the target and support the company’s development, significant changes in the roles and responsibilities have been made in Peikko Group’s Management. The changes will take place in four individual countries, all having both sales functions and large-scale manufacturing operations. All changes take effect in March 2013. 

Finland: The CFO of Peikko Group, Esa Rusila, has been appointed Managing Director of Peikko’s Finnish subsidiary Peikko Finland Oy. Rusila has been integral in Peikko Group’s development and growth over the past 7 years when heading the finance and administrative functions and he will now focus on customers and operations in Finland. 

Slovakia: The current Managing Director of Peikko’s Finnish subsidiary, Mikko Kuusilehto, will move to Slovakia in order to take over the responsibility of Peikko Slovakia S.R.O. By moving to Slovakia, Kuusilehto will address Peikko’s goal to grow in the Central and Eastern European markets, and to continue the development of the efficient manufacturing operations there. Kuusilehto will continue in his role as Head of Group Operations. 

Lithuania:  The current Managing Director of Peikko Slovakia, Andrius Surantas, will move Lithuania to run UAB Peikko Lietuva. Having proven his capability to develop efficient production operations, he will take on the challenge of building up Peikko’s new production facility in Kaunas, Lithuania. Its focus will be on composite structures for delivery to European customers. 

Gulf Area: The current Managing Director of UAB Peikko Lietuva, Paulius Bulota, will move to Gulf area to strengthen Peikko’s Gulf operations in Saudi Arabia and in United Arab Emirates. Bulotas’ move will provide Peikko with the capabilities to realize our potential in this region. The current General Manager Arto Pohjonen will continue as Sales Director and focus on key customer relations development, particularly in the precast customer segment. 

“The international growth is a positive challenge for Peikko. The above rotation of tasks and responsibilities highlights the fact that Peikko believes in its own people. We believe that with right resources in right places we can grow even faster.” states Topi Paananen, CEO of Peikko Group Corporation.


Download images of the appointed persons: 

Further information: Topi Paananen, CEO, Peikko Group Corporation, Mobile +358 50 384 3001, Email: [email protected] 

Distribution: Main media, Peikko websites 

Peikko Group in brief: Peikko Group Corporation is a leading global supplier of concrete connections and composite structures. Peikko’s innovative solutions make the customers’ building process faster, easier and more reliable. Peikko has subsidiaries in 30 countries in Asia-Pacific, Europe, the Middle East, and North America, with manufacturing operations in 9 countries. Peikko’s net sales in 2012 were more than EUR 110 million. Peikko is a family-owned and run company with over 900 professionals. Peikko was founded in 1965 and is headquartered in Lahti, Finland. Further information: